Friday, April 22, 2011

Fill In The Blank Friday

It's a beautiful, sunny (but cold) day here in Santa Monica.  I only wish it were a bit warmer so I could lay out by the pool.  But I am looking forward to heading over to my parents' house this weekend for Easter.  My sister and I (both in our 30's) still color Easter eggs every year.  So fun!

It's another Friday  and another Fill In The Blank from Lauren.  Enjoy!

1.   Fridays are  what I look forward to all week!  I only work a 1/2 day on Fridays so I'm off at noon.  I spend the rest of the afternoon shopping, running errands, going to the beach, lying on the couch....whatever I want.  It's such a great way to start my weekend!

Baking,making and eating delicious desserts  make me terribly happy.

3.  Something that inspires me is     my husband.  He's always in a good mood, he doesn't let stuff get to him and tries to be positive.  He reminds me to lighten up and think positively.

4.  If I had the day off today I would    go wine tasting in Santa Barbara!

5.  If I had to put a label on my home decor style, I would say my style is   a mix of "Trying to make old college furniture look new" and "clean and simple, but warm."  I cannot wait to get new couches without stains on them and don't sag in the middle.  But we have a bigger purchase (a car) to make first.

6.  Concerning politics I would say I'm   a bit apathetic and sick of the name calling, pettiness that has taken over lately.  I don't totally lean one way or the other, and definitely need to educate myself more on some issues.  I am NOT looking forward to campaign season starting again - I hate be bombarded with commercials and signs everywhere.

7.  I'd like to go to       school      so I could     take a photography class and take better pictures!