Friday, May 27, 2011

Weekend Breakfast - French Toast

French toast has been one of my favorite weekend breakfasts ever since I learned how to make it in high school.  I've always used a very basic recipe - bread, egg, milk - and honestly never put much thought into changing it.  Until I recently ran across several different recipes while looking for something to make for Mother's Day.  Recipes that called for cinnamon, brown sugar, lemon, and good crusty french bread.  After seeing these I knew I had to kick my french toast up a notch.

I liked the sound of this Lemon Brioche French Toast from The Kitchn, but felt it was too much for just the hubby and I.  So I moved on to this French Toast recipe from America's Test Kitchen.  It looked perfect.

I bought a loaf of French bread from the store and sliced it into thick slices.

Don't they kinda look like bunny rabbits?

Then I soaked them in a mixture of milk, eggs, butter, salt, brown sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon. 

Next, I heated up my griddle pan, melted some butter on top, and threw the bread on for 4-5 minutes on each side.

Until they were nice and toasty brown on both sides.

When the toast is done, I smothered it with some more butter and poured syrup on top.  And Oh. My. God.  This was the best French toast I've ever had.  It was sweet and cinnamony, but not overly so.  And the thick bread soaked up the syrup nicely. 

I think this recipe forever changed the way I'll make French toast.  And it's a perfect way to surprise your sweetie with breakfast on Saturday.  Maybe in bed?  Just don't spill the syrup!


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