Before I got pregnant, I had many ideas of what it would be like...
what I would do, how I would act, etc.
Quickly after getting knocked up, however,
those ideas went down the tube
as the reality of constant nausea and fatigue slapped me in the face.
Today I present some of my Pregnancy Fantasies and Realities.
I'm sure some of you fellow mommies, and mommies to be, can relate.
Fantasy #1:
I wouldn't sacrifice fashion and style.
I would pull off my pregnancy looking effortlessly stylish like these ladies...
Maternity clothes are expensive!
I spend many of my days in comfy yoga pants and t-shirts.
I spend many of my days in comfy yoga pants and t-shirts.
I mean, really, it's not like I was at the height of fashion pre-pregnancy
so this isn't too far off of my normal wardrobe.
Fantasy #2:
so this isn't too far off of my normal wardrobe.
Fantasy #2:
I would eat nothing but healthy, organic fruits and veggies
and non-processed food.
In the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, I was constantly nauseous.
The only thing I wanted to eat was salty, crunchy, carbs and junk food.
I seriously needed to eat a Happy Meal several times a week. Gross.
In the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, I was constantly nauseous.
The only thing I wanted to eat was salty, crunchy, carbs and junk food.
I seriously needed to eat a Happy Meal several times a week. Gross.
Now that I'm almost in the 3rd trimester (YIKES!)
I've taken to eating healthier again.
But that's not to say I don't completely give in
to my sweet tooth a little too often!
Fantasy #3:
I would regularly partake in the prenatal yoga & pilates classes
that always seemed like some secret club I couldn't be a part of.
I've been to one prenatal yoga class
and I'm lucky if I get a 30 minute walk in more than twice a week.
Yup, that's me....lying in bed with Reese's Pieces and M&M's.
I would regularly partake in the prenatal yoga & pilates classes
that always seemed like some secret club I couldn't be a part of.
I've been to one prenatal yoga class
and I'm lucky if I get a 30 minute walk in more than twice a week.
Yup, that's me....lying in bed with Reese's Pieces and M&M's.
Seriously, I didn't exercise much before I got pregnant,
so why did I think I would afterwards?
I guess the one major lesson I learned early on in pregnancy
is that most of it is completely out of my control.
My body will do as it pleases,
whether that's having a too small baby bump (as many strangers like to tell me)
or continue to give me heartburn with every. single. thing I eat.
I've learned to just take each day as it comes
because I never know what it may bring.
Which I guess is a principle I could use at any time,
pregnant or not.